Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Challenge: Stay Healthy

How can you prevent the spread of infectious disease in your community?  How can you prevent getting sick?  Challenge your friends and family to make a change to create a healthier society.  What will you do?

To respond, click the comments button and comment using name/url.  Only use your first name to post since everyone will be able to see it.  Please let us know where you are from by adding your location!  Check back for our responses to your post.

Challenge: Protect the Skin You Are In

How do you protect your skin from damage?  Can you come up with a plan to convince others to do the same?  What can you do?

To respond, click the comments button and comment using name/url.  Only use your first name to post since everyone will be able to see it.  Please let us know where you are from by adding your location!  Check back for our responses to your post.

Challenge: Brain Health

How can you take care of your brain?  What are you doing already?  Do certain foods help your brain work better??   What else can you do to make your brain healthier?

To respond, click the comments button and comment using name/url.  Only use your first name to post since everyone will be able to see it.  Please let us know where you are from by adding your location!  Check back for our responses to your post.

Challenge: Strong Bones

What can you do to improve bone strength or muscle function for 4 days?  Can you alter your diet or habits to decrease your chance of developing osteoporosis?  Can you give up soda?  Increase the potassium or calcium in your diet? Can you drink more water?  What will you do?

To respond, click the comments button and comment using name/url.  Only use your first name to post since everyone will be able to see it.  Please let us know where you are from by adding your location!  Check back for our responses to your post.

Challenge: Improve your Heart Health

What can you do to improve your heart health for 4 days?  Can you reduce the amount of salt you consume?  Can you become more physically active?  Can you get others to join you?  How does it benefit your heart to be more active?  What can you do?  

To respond, click the comments button and comment using name/url.  Only use your first name to post since everyone will be able to see it.  Please let us know where you are from by adding your location!  Check back for our responses to your post.

Challenge: Improve Your Diet!

What can you do to improve your diet for a few days?  Can you eat the recommended daily intake for fruits and vegetables? Can you replace juice or soda with water?  Can you try to balance your plate and eat proper portion size?  Reflect on what you did to improve your overall diet. How did it make you feel?  Why is it important to have a healthy diet?  
To respond, click the comments button and comment using name/url.  Only use your first name to post since everyone will be able to see it.  Please let us know where you are from by adding your location!  Check back for our responses to your post.